Largest Employers in Milton Keynes

Here are 10 largest employers in Milton Keynes with address and telephone number:

1. The Open University

The Open University is a distance learning and research university with a campus in Milton Keynes. It is one of the largest employers in the city. Telephone number: 01908 653231. Address: Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA.

2. Milton Keynes Council

Milton Keynes Council is the local authority for Milton Keynes and is a major employer in the city. Telephone number: 01908 691691. Address: Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ.

3. Santander UK

Santander UK is a major bank and financial services provider with a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 0800 389 7000. Address: Santander House, 201 Grafton Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 1AN.

4. Network Rail

Network Rail is the owner and operator of most of the rail infrastructure in England, Scotland, and Wales, including Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 03457 11 41 41. Address: Quadrant:MK, Elder Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 1EN.

5. Volkswagen Group UK

Volkswagen Group UK is the UK subsidiary of the German car manufacturer Volkswagen Group and has a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 0800 333 666. Address: Delaware Drive, Tongwell, Milton Keynes MK15 8HG.

6. Nationwide Building Society

Nationwide Building Society is a major UK building society with a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 0800 30 20 11. Address: Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon SN38 1NW.

7. Mercedes-Benz UK

Mercedes-Benz UK is the UK subsidiary of the German car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz and has a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 0800 1777 777. Address: Tongwell, Milton Keynes MK15 8BA.

8. Deloitte UK

Deloitte UK is a global professional services firm with a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 020 7007 1000. Address: 1 New St Square, London EC4A 3HQ.

9. Red Bull Racing

Red Bull Racing is a Formula One racing team based in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: N/A. Address: Bradbourne Drive, Tilbrook, Milton Keynes MK7 8BJ.

10. Domino's Pizza UK & Ireland

Domino's Pizza UK & Ireland is the UK and Ireland franchise of the international pizza delivery chain and has a large office in Milton Keynes. Telephone number: 01908 580000. Address: 1 Thornbury, West Ashland, Milton Keynes MK6 4BB.

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